The Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society will be hosting a field day event this year.
Friday 06/24, Saturday 06/25, and Sunday 06/26
Last full weekend in June 2022
449 Mush Creek Rd
Travelers Rest SC 29690
This will be an old-fashioned event. Familiy members and the general public are invited. A HAM license is NOT REQUIRED. All are welcome to come and ask questions, look at equipment, chit-chat with the club members, and maybe even get some hands-on operating experience.
The Club’s purpose is to bring equipment to the site set it up and operate. Members and non-members are encouraged to bring their own equipment. Don’t worry about being new. If you are a new-comer or if you don’t have your own equipment, you will be welcomed and encouraged to assist with setup, operation, and tear-down. Field Day is a great opportunity to learn, try out new equipment, or see how someone else’s equipment works!
It’s also a perfect opportunity for an “eyeball” QSO!
We will NOT be participating in the contest or earning points for the club. Instead, we will use the club’s equipment to provide contacts for those that are contesting.
The club will provide the following:
Generator power, sandwiches, and drinks.
Hot dogs, hamburgers and the fixings for supper Saturday evening.
Please feel free to bring a covered dish.
Set up will begin Friday evening with take down on Sunday.
Dry camping is encouraged and can start on Friday evening.
Stay tuned for updates. Updates will be posted on the W4NYK Facebook group, the BRARS Homepage, and our nightly net.
For questions call or text
Johnny Allison , WD4DYH
864 884 1314