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BRARS Field Day – June 25-27 2021

Location: Riverbend Equestrian Park, 175 Riverbend Rd, Greenville, SC 29617

BRARS field day and Campout: 6:00 PM Friday until 5:00 PM Sunday.

ARRL event: 2:00 PM Saturday until 8:00 PM Sunday. *Note, BRARS will stop operating at 4:00pm in order to tear-down equipment, pack, and place in storage until the next event.

Important information at:
<//www.kenwood.com/au/com/amateur/ts-2000/>   –> Support –> Manual

For those that would like to attend please put your callsign in the places of Interest in the QUESTIONNAIRE below and return it to: K4RHF@mail.com
(Bob Finley K4RHF 864-436-5000)

This is to notify BRARS members, associates and their families, of the upcoming Amateur Radio Field Day event, next weekend.
This will be primarily a gathering for the Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society, and our associates including the Upstate Prepper Group.
Family members and visitors are welcome.

For those interested Campers and tents are allowed ( no fees )

One weekend each year, Amateur Radio operators across the US operate simultaneously, to attempt communications from ‘remote’ locations.
This is always on the last weekend in June.
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) coordinates the event and tabulates the results.
Field Day encourages hams to get out of their normal ‘ham shack’ setting and to operate in less than ideal conditions.

Food for the event


Cold sandwiches and soft drinks will be provided for the event

Saturday evening dinner:

BRARS will provide grilled burger patties, hotdogs, buns and condiments and would ask individuals attending dinner to bring fixings that you would like to share

For more information please contact

Bob Finley K4RHF at 864-436-5000 or E-mail him at K4RHF@mail.com

Potable water and rest rooms are available on site

For those that would like something to eat other than Burgers and dogs Travelers Rest is approximately 10 minutes from the site. There you will find a number of restaurants to chose from

ARRL ‘Event’

This year we will participate in an informal contest with an emphasis on having fun with our hobby

While the club will provide radio equipment and antenna systems you are encouraged to bring your own equipment and antenna systems to operate with

The contest itself will begin at 2:00 PM (1800 UTC) Saturday and last until 8:00 PM (2059 UTC) Sunday. Note, BRARS will start to tear-down at approximately 4:00pm.

While you are welcome to keep records we will not be turning them in this year, as our goal is to have fun and learn from each other.

For those that have equipment questions please bring items in question with you so we can assist.

You do not have to be an ARRL member to participate.
As it is not a ‘contest’ Rather referred to it as an ‘Event’.

To participate in the actual operating of Radio equipment at the event you will need to be a licensed Amateur radio operator or if unlicensed and wanting to participate you may operate as a third-party operator under a licensed operator that will have to be present while you are operating

Goals for those operating:

Work as many stations as possible on the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 Meter HF bands, as well as all bands 50 MHz and above, and in doing so to learn to operate in abnormal situations in less than optimal conditions. A premium is placed on developing skills to meet the challenges of emergency preparedness as well as to acquaint the general public with the capabilities of amateur radio.

Event rules and other information are at: <http://www.arrl.org/field-day>

Other Events
A GOTA (Get On The Air) station will be available for new and potential Hams, to actually talk to other Hams in the Upstate area.

BRARS Field Day Location
For the 2021 Field Day, the club has secured facilities at the Riverbend Equestrian Park in northern Greenville County.
This is an equestrian park near Furman University.
The area where we will be operating consist of 3 large open buildings

One containing picnic tables and is appropriate for a large group gathering.

The other 2 building containing clean horse stalls which will be used for equipment set up locations

Between the buildings is a large open area where we can set up antennas.

This area is also large enough for cars, trucks and campers.

The restroom facilities are a short walk from the site with no showers

You are encouraged to bring toiletries that you may need


June 25, 2021  5:00 PM Friday – Collect the club’s gear at the storage site in northern Greenville County and load it onto the trailer

June 25, 2021  6:00 PM Friday – We will arrive at Riverbend park, begin unloading

June 26, 2021  9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Saturday – Equipment setup & testing

June 26, 2021  12:00 PM Saturday – Sandwich lunch, Review of equipment, procedures, schedule.

June 26-27 2021  1:00 PM Saturday to 4:00 PM Sunday – Ongoing ‘event’ communications.

June 26-27 2021  6:00 PM Saturday – Dinner

June 27 2021 8:00 AM Sunday Morning  – Coffee, doughnuts

June 27 2021 12:00 PM Sunday – Sandwich Lunch

June 27 2021 4:00 PM Sunday – Wrap-up meeting (5 min)

June 27 2021 4:05 PM Sunday – Take down equipment, pack

June 27 2021 5:00 PM Sunday – Unload trailer at BRARS storage bin

We will have at least one 2-meter rig set up

Bottled water
Soft drinks
Sandwiches (Duke’s Sandwich Shop) for operators and setup/teardown crew.

A handwashing station will be provided.

Other locations
If you can’t make it to the BRARS event, by all means plan on communicating from home
or, better, a ‘remote’ location.  You can log communications from those locations as well.
The ARRL has rules set up for individual operators as well. The more the merrier!!
For more information on the event, go to: <//www.arrl.org/field-day-rules>

It’s likely going to be hot and humid, so plan accordingly.
Even if it’s generally rainy, we can still operate, as the facility buildings are large.
In the case of thunderstorms, we will disconnect the antennas and wait it out.

General rules
RiverBend is a small commercial park.
Please be courtious and respectful and keep the grounds clear of litter.
In particular, there may be horses in the area or passing through.
Please be calm and avoid loud noises or sudden movement if there are horses present.

Things to bring
A place to sleep
Your medicines
Any snacks and drinks you want
Water container
Lawn chair
Fans (Plug-in, or the 12V or battery types)
Rain jacket & a hat
Radios and antennas systems

One particular item we do not have, which would be very useful is closed-cup studio type headphones. 

Things we will need
A trailer and personnel  to pick up and return club equipment from and to Club storage

Sign-up sheet

Please edit the sign-up sheet and indicate how many people you will be bringing.
Also, we will need help with things like loading and unloading equipment,
and setting up antenas.
Your willingness to help with the various tasks is much appreciated.

__________ Your name & callsign

__________ How many attending? Callsigns? _____________________________________

__________ How many for dinner Saturday?

__________ How long are you planning to stay?

Please put your callsign on the slots below.
I will send out updates as signups occur.

__________ I can bring a trailer

__________ I can help with the loading  & unloading Friday night (need 4-6)

__________ I can help with feuling and bringing the generators

__________ I can help with setup Saturday morning (need 6-8) (9:00 AM-ish)

Last year each group brought their own food. If we decide to do a group dinner:
__________ I can help with the Saturday meal

__________ I can help with the teardown & loading & unloading Sunday afternooon (need 4-6)

__________ I can help with ‘Elmering’ newbies

__________ I would like to participate in the ARRL ‘Contest’ Event (enter preferred times below)


Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there.
Bob Finley

Eclipse Balloon Launch

Latest Update on the Stratos Project (Eclipse Balloon Launch)
Fleet Thomas Belknap and his engineering colleagues have the following update on their project:
-Funds raised, as of April 3, were $1130 toward a goal of $1700
-The Raspberry Pi and half of the sensors are purchased
-The initial Python program has been written with two additional programs under development.

For more updates on the Stratos Project visit their Facebook page at:

To donate to the project visit their GoFundMe page at:

The team have a forum thread on QRZ at:
http://forums.qrz.com/index.php?threads/stratos-high-altitude-balloon-launchduring- the-2017-solar-eclipse.559654/

An article was recently published on Hamsci about the project. That article is located at:

Their latest video is available at: https://youtu.be/3KZWgAtIovk

Field Day 2017

Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society – 2017 Field Day Site Hunt
We are in need of your assistance to help find a 2017 Field Day site! We want to vote on our Field Day site location at the May 2017 meeting. The criteria for a Field Day site are:
-Is located in Greenville County
-Has sufficient trees for some level of shade and mounting of antennas
-Is not located on a paved lot
-Is easily accessible by vehicles with two-wheel drive
-Will accommodate camping (tents, RVs, or camper-trailers)
-Will accommodate portable toilets if necessary

Do you have a site in mind that meets the criteria above, if so:
-Contact the property owner to inquire if they would be willing to host us
-Take photographs of the site from various perspectives
-Provide basic information about the site such as location, elevation, etc.
– Send the information to Robert (WR8RW) at: wr8rw@mail.com

Thanks and 73 for your help!!!

NC- Control 101 Documents

Here are a couple of documents for you to download.
Click the link, these are large so for best viewing download to your PC.
The first one is Net-Control 101 operating info:

The Second one is the Materials you need including preamble and getting ready info:

Any Questions on these items contact: Robert, wr8rw@mail.com


The BRARS next meeting

Hello Members and non Members

You are invited to the Next Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society Meeting
When: February 6th @ 7:30pm
Location: 940 Grove Road, Greenville SC (South of the G’Ville Memorial)

At this meeting Robert, WR8RW will have a presentation.

Come Early for the Donuts….

We Had a Great Time

We Had a Great time last night at the Christmas Party meeting, lots of food to eat,
and we stayed out late (10pm).

I think about half the members show up and we even got 4 new members.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, stay safe over the Holiday, we want
to see you at the next meeting on January 4th.

Your BRARS Board

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