Author: WR8RW (Page 1 of 2)

A Reminder: Membership Renewal Time Is Here

We have arrived at the time of year where your Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society membership is up for renewal.  Membership renewals are due 1 January 2019.

Our membership levels and fees are the same as last year’s.  Please see the table below for the level of membership you are eligible for.

Your membership renewal may be paid on line at BRARS.cc, via check mailed to the BRARS P.O. Box address:  PO Box 6751, Greenville SC  29606-6751, or handed to the Society Secretary, Bill Wilkes (K4EMU), at the November or December meeting.

If you have any questions regards the level of membership you may be eligible for,  contact Robert (WR8RW) at WR8RW@mail.com.

September Society Meeting – Tuesday 4 September – 7.00 PM

The September BRARS meeting will convene on Tuesday 4 September at 7.00 PM. This will be at our customary location, Red Cross building, 940 Grove Road, Greenville.

Margie Spangenburg (KK4AGN), from the Anderson Radio Club will be
discussing her “all 50 states” QSO effort and the quilt that was made for her
in celebration of that certification.

Guests are always welcome at the BRARS meeting!

Have a safe and enjoyable weekend…looking forward to seeing you at next Tuesday’s meeting.

Robert (WR8RW)

BRARS July and August Meeting Programs

The Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society (BRARS) July and August Meeting Programs have been confirmed.

-July 2 2018:  Dr. Marc Tarplee (K4UFP), ARRL SC Section Manager will present some of the latest topics related to Amateur Radio and the ARRL.

-August 6 2018:  Dave Anderson (K4SV) will present a program on grounding. This is a timely topic for those who are new Amateurs, as well as those of us who may have been around a bit longer.

If you have questions about these programs, feel free to contact Robert (WR8RW) on 864.663.9792 or at wr8rw@mail.com.


Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society 2018 Field Day Announcement (update # 04)

Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society 2018 Field Day Announcement (update # 04)

The Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society invites you to its 2018
Field Day activities

Family members along with non club members are invited to attend

128 Pastorale Drive, Chesnee, SC 29323(access via I-85 or SC 11)

Set up begins at 10.00 AM on Saturday 23 June
Field Day operating activities begin at 2.00 PM +/- on Saturday, June 23rd through 2.00 PM Sunday, June 24th

What to bring:
Your radio equipment and antenna system to set up and operate if you would like

On-site Power and Communications:
The club will provide 4 KW (4000 watts) of 120 Vac. in the form of 2, 2 KW (2000 watts) generator sets along with drop cords
You are welcome to bring power generating equipment such as batteries, generators, solar panels & etc if you would like

Talk in frequency will be on 146.610
Site simplex frequency will be on 147.610

For those that would like to attend a class on basic fm uhf / vhf simplex and repeater analog radio operations will be held at the field day site this class will be for newcomers as well as those looking to obtain an amateur radio License stay turned for the start time

Camping / Sleep
For those that wish to do so, dry RV camping as well as tent camping is allowed and encouraged
Onsite bathroom and shower facilities are also available

Sandwiches and drinks to be consumed during set up, and tear-down operations will be provided by the Club

Enough supper will be provided by our host in the form of a smoked chicken dinner to serve 50 people and will begin between 5:30pm and 6pm

A grill will be available for those that would like to bring their own food to cook

We Still Need Your Assistance With:

2) Friday evening: Pickup & transport equipment from Club Building to Field Day Site
For anyone interested
Wyatt and Pat will meet at the club building at or about 1700 hours to load up equipment for field day
Fill free to come out

4) Saturday morning / early afternoon: Field day talk in net controller

5) Saturday morning / early afternoon : Set up computers and network system

7) Saturday afternoon through Sunday afternoon: Operating at one of the stations

Some of the items listed above will need to be coordinated prior to Saturday the day of, if you are willing to help with those items, please call

If you plan to attend please visit the club web site and fill out the signup sheet, respond to this email announcement or contact Nathan Allison (KJ4RQZ)


Status Update – 146.610 Repeater Outage

At approximately 20.00 last evening the 146.610 repeater was reported to be out of service.  BRARS Repeater Committee resources went to the site and successfully diagnosed the root causes of the outage during the night.

The failed components are currently being replaced with the intended goal of returning the repeater to service today.

If you have questions contact Robert (WR8RW) at wr8rw@mail.com.


Upcoming Amateur Radio Events Information – 21 May 2018

As announced on the Monday 21 May 2018 Blue Ridge Two Meter Net

06/02/2018 Georgia State Convention (Atlanta Hamfest)
Location: Marietta, GA
Type: ARRL Convention
Sponsor: Atlanta Radio Club (W4DOC) & Kennehoochee ARC (W4BTI)
Website: http://www.atlantahamfest.com

06/02/2018 | Winston-Salem Hamfest
Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: Forsyth Amateur Radio Club
Website: http://www.w4nc.com

07/07/2018 | 33rd Annual 2018 Firecracker Hamfest
Location: Salisbury, NC
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: Rowan Amateur Radio Society
Website: http://www.rowanars.org/firecracker-hamfest/

07/21/2018 | Mid-Summer Swapfest
Location: Cary, NC
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: Cary Amateur Radio Club
Website: http://www.qsl.net/n4nc/

07/28/2018 | WCARS Hamfest
Location: Waynesville, NC
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: Western Carolina Amateur Radio Society
Website: http://wcars.org

CQ WPX CW Announced Operations
May 26-27, 2018

QRP ARCI Hootowl Shootout
0000Z-0100Z, May 28, 2018

Phone Fray
0230-0300 May 30, 2018

See additional contest information at:

Kentucky QSO Party!
June 2-3, 2018
14:00 UTC June 2 until 02:00 UTC June 3
(09:00 AM CST) – (9:00 PM CST) Saturday, June 2


ARRL June VHF Contest
June 9-11, 2018
1800 UTC Saturday, runs through 0259 UTC Monday

WV QSO Party
1600Z Saturday June 16, 2018 through 0200Z Sunday June 17, 2018


Robert (WR8RW)

Memorial Services for Stephen Parrish (AJ4QA) Silent Key

I had a conversation with Pam Parrish today. She asked me to pass along the following information about upcoming services for Steven:

Friday May 4 2018 7.00 PM – Memorial Service
Greer Calvary Chapel
3315 Brushy Creek Road, Greer SC 29650
Feel free to attend in comfortable dress

Saturday May 5, 2018 2.00 PM – Cemetery service (Note Corrected Service Time)
Forest Hill Cemetery
4290 Old York Rd
Rock Hill, SC 29730

Robert (WR8RW)

June and July 2018 Society Meeting Programs and Speakers Confirmed

The June 2018 BRARS program and speaker have been confirmed.  Sergeant Natalie Hill, a Crime Prevention Specialist on the Greenville County Sheriff’s service, will present a program on enhancing home protection.  This is especially relevant to us in the Amateur Radio Service given our investments in time and money for the building of our stations.  Our thanks to member J. D. Norris (KF4RVH) for suggesting this resource.

The July 2018 speaker has also been confirmed.  Dr. Marc Tarplee (K4UFP), ARRL SC Section Manager will visit with us…the program topics are still under discussion, stay tuned.

The  remaining confirmed programs for 2018 are:

March: Learning CW and Additional Learning Resources, Les Shattuck (K4NK)

April: Digital Mobile Radio (DMR), Adam Shirley (WJ4X)

May: RF-Kit B26 Legal Limit Amplifier, Gary Wise (W4EEY)

June:  Sergeant Natalie Hill (GCSS), Enhancing Home Protection

July:  Dr. Marc Tarplee (K4UFP), Topics TBD

Additional programs are currently in the discussion and planning phase…watch this space for updates.

If you have an idea or suggestion for a program feel free to contact me.

Standing by and carefully tuning…Robert (WR8RW)


A Snippet From Technology History – Guglielmo Marconi’s Station

As an add on to the “This Week in Technology History” segment I present on Friday evening nets, I want to send along a link to an article from the BBC about Marconi’s first station in Newfoundland Canada. It is part technology history and part travelogue.  It gives you a view into Marconi’s dream and the location of his history making station in St. John’s.  Have a look at some of the photos…especially the one showing station staff wrestling with a kite used to keep an antenna aloft.  A sentence at the end of the  article speaks to the station’s role in reporting the sinking of a significant vessel early in the 20th century.

Here is the link:



Robert (WR8RW)

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