Author: William Chapman

September Meeting Moved To Tuesday

Tuesday 09-03-24 BRARS club meeting to be held at:

American Red Cross

940 Grove Rd, Greenville, SC 29605

Meeting start time will be 7:00 Pm

Fellow amateur Radio operators.

BRARS has been ask to provide communications services for two upcoming events. The first being the Trail Life event, beginning Friday October 11 and lasting to Sunday October 13 with the need for communications personnel being on Saturday October 12. Details for when and where will be covered by Bob and Josh at the club meeting.

The second event will be the Gran Fondo Hincapie bike race being held on Saturday October 19, 2024. Details regarding where and how many operators will be needed as well as the event map will be discussed by Joe via Zoom at the club meeting.

There will be two cross-band repeaters set up on simplex for a table top exercise at the meeting. The exercise is aimed at practicing the use of cross band, repeating, and traffic handling.

Please bring your walkie-talkies.

All licensed radio operators interested are welcome to participate, club membership is not required.

Zoom meeting information listed below 


Trail Life/Bike Race Preparation

Fellow amateur radio operators, BRARS has been asked to provide communications services for two upcoming events.

The first is the Trail Life event beginning Friday October 11, lasting to Sunday October 13. Details for when and where we will be needed will be covered by Bob and Josh at the next club meeting.

The second event will be the Gran Fondo Hincapie bicycle race being held on Saturday October 19, 2024. It will be discussed by Joe via Zoom at the club meeting, followed by an in person visit from Joe at the next meeting. At the meeting, there will be two cross-band repeaters set up on simplex for a table top exercise. The exercise is aimed at practicing the use of cross band, repeating, and traffic handling. Please bring your walkie-talkies to the meeting. All licensed radio operators interested are welcome to participate club membership is not required.

Club Fox Hunts

As discussed at this month’s club meeting, we are hoping to start up regularly scheduled fox hunts as a new club activity.

“Fox Hunting” (hidden transmitter) is a fun activity and is a great introduction to amateur radio. Since it requires listening only and no transmitting for participants, it is the perfect opportunity to get someone you know that is interested in radio but hasn’t gotten licensed yet some hands on experience.

We are working on planning and hopefully can run some fox hunts at our upcoming summer field day activity to get everyone familiar with the process. In the meantime, please see below for some information and links to helpful articles and videos that will let you learn more about this fun ham radio activity. Please feel free to comment and reach out if you have any questions, or want to express your interest and be informed of planned future activities.

Building a tape measure Yagi antenna from KB9VBR – link to instructions and video


Fox Hunting 101 (Three easy steps)

Fox Hunting 102 (Attenuating the signal)

Full length presentation on fox hunting (58 minutes)

RDF Equipment Ideas for VHF Foxhunting and Radio-Orienteering


Compass and map orienteering app for apple and android (very helpful when tracking down the fox)



September Club Meeting (Date Change)

This month, in order to avoid conflicts with the Labor Day holiday activities, the Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society Monthly Club Meeting will be held on Tuesday September 5th at 7:00 PM. We will host the meeting BOTH
onsite at 940 Grove Road in Greenville SC and via Zoom conference call.

Onsite Meeting:

American Red Cross
940 Grove Road
Greenville, SC 29605

Virtual meeting:
Meeting ID: 886 7022 4040
Passcode: 169706
One tap mobile
+16469313860,,88670224040#,,,,*169706# US
+19292056099,,88670224040#,,,,*169706# US (New York)

We look forward to seeing you there!

Thank you.

Volunteers needed for field day prep

The club is looking for volunteers who can help split and carry firewood to the field day site the weekend before field day (June 17th and 18th). Help is also needed to carry club equipment to the field day site that same weekend and the weekend of field day.
If you are willing to help, please contact Johnny. Allison (WD4DYH) or email the club at brars.w4nyk@gmail.com

Summer Field Day Site Scouting Trip

Location – 280 Whitmire Hill Road Liberty SC

Sunday May 21st at 2pm a group of club members will be meeting at the Ingles in Easley and then continuing on to the site for this year’s summer field day to do scouting and evaluation. If you would prefer to go directly to the site please meet the group there at 2:30pm.