If you would like to download follow the link below
Latest Update on the Stratos Project (Eclipse Balloon Launch)
Fleet Thomas Belknap and his engineering colleagues have the following update on their project:
-Funds raised, as of April 3, were $1130 toward a goal of $1700
-The Raspberry Pi and half of the sensors are purchased
-The initial Python program has been written with two additional programs under development.
For more updates on the Stratos Project visit their Facebook page at:
To donate to the project visit their GoFundMe page at:
The team have a forum thread on QRZ at:
http://forums.qrz.com/index.php?threads/stratos-high-altitude-balloon-launchduring- the-2017-solar-eclipse.559654/
An article was recently published on Hamsci about the project. That article is located at:
Their latest video is available at: https://youtu.be/3KZWgAtIovk
Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Society – 2017 Field Day Site Hunt
We are in need of your assistance to help find a 2017 Field Day site! We want to vote on our Field Day site location at the May 2017 meeting. The criteria for a Field Day site are:
-Is located in Greenville County
-Has sufficient trees for some level of shade and mounting of antennas
-Is not located on a paved lot
-Is easily accessible by vehicles with two-wheel drive
-Will accommodate camping (tents, RVs, or camper-trailers)
-Will accommodate portable toilets if necessary
Do you have a site in mind that meets the criteria above, if so:
-Contact the property owner to inquire if they would be willing to host us
-Take photographs of the site from various perspectives
-Provide basic information about the site such as location, elevation, etc.
– Send the information to Robert (WR8RW) at: wr8rw@mail.com
Thanks and 73 for your help!!!
Here are a couple of documents for you to download.
Click the link, these are large so for best viewing download to your PC.
The first one is Net-Control 101 operating info:
The Second one is the Materials you need including preamble and getting ready info:
Any Questions on these items contact: Robert, wr8rw@mail.com
Here is a PDF of the latest update for you to view or download.
Here is the PDF version of the Presentation from the March Meeting.
The Presentation was very good info, presented by Ethan Poole, KW4EK
Click on Link to download your copy for viewing anytime
Solar Eclipse High-Altitude Balloon Project
Our own Fleet Belknap (KJ4ZWA), and several of his engineering program
colleagues are planning to launch a balloon to capture live stream video, and other data, for the solar eclipse that will occur on 21 August 2017.
The balloon will be lifting equipment intended to send back APRS, VHF, digital, live stream video and other data using ATV.
The estimated funds needed to “get this project off the ground” are approximately $1650. If you would like to donate to this project, send your contributions to Fleet as follows:
Fleet Belknap, Project Coordinator
108 Pine Lane
Simpsonville, SC 29681
Make your checks payable to: Anthony Cuenca IEEE PSSB
(This ensures the project contributions are correctly tracked for tax and legal purposes.)
If you have any questions, contact Fleet at the following e-mail address:
Click Below to Download
Severe Weather Awareness Week Information
In recognition of Severe Weather Awareness Week and the upcoming severe weather season in this area, we have received the following information from Mandell Rigdon (WR4XM) related to the WARNs system and GSP Regional SkyWarn.
The list of repeaters linked in the WARNs system in support of GSP Regional SkyWarn can be found at the following link:
Additional access to the GSP Regional SkyWarn net, in the event of severe
weather, also is available through Echolink and Allstar as follows:
Echolink Node 442775-N4LRD-R
Echolink Node 791726-K9OH-R
Allstar Node 41786 K9OH/R GSPSKYWARN.ORG
There is also a training hosted by the GSP NWS Office in support of Weather Spotters at the following link:
If you have any questions feel free to contact Mandell (WR4XM) at:
wr4xm@wx4pg.org, or Robert (WR8RW) at wr8rw@mail.com.
Click Below to Download
I’m sure I’m not alone …I would like to Thank those involved in getting the 61 machane back online.
Special thanks to Landon Pack (KG4WNP) and Johnny Allison (WD4DYH) for going up the mountain last night to make repairs.
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