We had a good meeting, and if you missed it here are the high spots.

We talked about the upcoming Field Day on June 22 and 23. The location will be in Greer, at the South Suber road Soccer fields. It looks like it will be a great location with a lot of trees and light posts for hanging antennas.  It has real rest rooms that will be open and one shelter.

So let’s start getting ready to have some fun and possibly score high. We will have a supper on Saturday at 5 pm with hamburgers and hot dogs. The club will supply the meat and we ask that you bring a side dish – whatever you like with your cook out. If you would drop an email to fieldday@brars.org  let us know how many people you will bring. This is important to be sure we have enough to eat.  Plan to attend.

We also accepted two new members and got two new applications for the next meeting. I would like to see us grow at this rate – 2 per meeting “WOW”

We will Grow Again !!!!

One more thing: I’m looking for a Hamfest Chairman for 2014… I have a person that has shown interest but haven’t talked to him about it since the Hamfest.

Rick / kd4dra